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Tag Archives: Debian Wheezy
Telepathy-Gabble Security Bypass Vulnerability fixed
One rather nasty Telepathy-Gabble vulnerability, that anspa and I had encountered in late May, has been fixed in 0.16.6-1 (and in 0.9.15-1+squeeze2/0.16.5-1+deb7u1 for us happy Squeeze/Wheezy users).
CPU Freq Gnome Shell extension vs Gigabyte GA-G41M-Combo Rev. 2.0
CPU Freq with Wheezy AMD64 seems to momentarily freeze X Window video ("intel" driver) every few seconds on Gigabyte GA-G41M-Combo Rev. 2.0 (G41+ICH7).
Wheezy + sshfs + /etc/fstab
Dot-syntax in the third field is preferable to #-syntax in the first one (i.e. to "sshfs#remote_user@remote_host:/remote/dir local_mount_point fuse") if unmounting with umount, not fusermount -u is expected. "users", not "user" in the fourth field is needed, if unmounting by a … Continue reading
Wheezy RC1: локализация консоли
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Sensors issue with Wheezy AMD64 RC1 on Gigabyte GA-G41M-Combo Rev. 2.0
Another Wheezy AMD64 RC1 on Gigabyte GA-G41M-Combo Rev. 2.0 issue is inadequate hardware sensors monitoring after installation.