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Category Archives: in English
Evo Misbehaving After Upgrade to Jessie
If your Evolution mail client—after upgrading to Debian Jessie (i. e. up to v. 3.12.9)—"loses" some messages received through IMAP, check its local Junk directory for a remote IMAP server, even if you cannot remember configuring local spam filtering. Continue reading … Continue reading
To boot FreeDOS with a 1920x1200 monitor...
...I have managed not. Just placed a bug report, hope it looks not too stupid.
OpenDocument to epub
Here are the OpenFoundation notes on conversion to epub. Neither Calibre nor Writer2xhtml succeeded in converting a complex ODM document with detached automatically generated images (see details) to e-book formats. eLAIX did the trick with some manual intervention still required.
Aki Kuro(da)
Aki Kuroda from the video above and Aki Kuro from the video below turn out to be one and the same.
Novi Novog: Philips Glasses
Andrei somehow discovered that the paranoic Tsyganochka playing as the soundtrack seems to be Novi Novog’s Philips Glasses from Solos (FWM 53) CD—which piece he believes is an homage to Philip Glass, while I suspect is just named after a … Continue reading
Why seven notes in octave
The diatonic scale is the least populated Pythagorean scale to include every interval found in the chromatic scale.
Victor Wagner considered English
Friendly interface considered harmful by Victor Wagner is available at Nubis Novem. Одной из моих немногих журналистских/редакторских удач в изданиях ИД «Компьютерра» стала публикация небольшой заметки Виктора Вагнера «О вреде дружественных интерфейсов» в «Домашнем компьютере» в 2002 г. На их … Continue reading
Posted in in English, Домашний компьютер
Tagged архитектура, программное обеспечение, свобода, философия техники
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ProgFun is back
In about a month, on April 25, 2014, the next iteration of Functional Programming Principles read by Prof. Martin Odersky starts on Coursera. Regular college or university students contemplating participation should by all means follow their mentors’ advice. Mine is … Continue reading